2025(第七届)中国国际生物医药大会面向全球征集大会报告,如您有兴趣在大会上面做报告,请尽快联系我们。 邮箱 info@gmexpo.net 联系电话 400-616-7378 0086-13817254690 微信同手机号
1. 所有演讲议题请务必在2025年4月1日前提交给主办方。任何在截止日期之后提交的议题将不予考虑和采纳。
2. 请填写演讲议题表单并用附件的形式通过电子邮件提交给我们。其他形式的提交将不予考虑和采纳。如果您需要提交多个演讲议题,请根据每个议题分别填写表单。
3. 请确保您所提供的内容是准确无误的,所有被审核通过的议题内容将有可能被引用到会刊和官方网站上。
4. 请确保您在演讲内容中使用的案例已经获得第三方的认可和允许。我们将不负责由此引起的任何纠纷和问题。
5. 请确保您提交的议题所涉及的演讲者能够在2025年4月16-18日出席会议。如果您提交的议题被审核通过,我们将在会议期间的任意一天进行安排演讲。
联系电话 400-616-7378 13817254690 邮箱 info@gmexpo.net
The 7th China International BioPharma Conference call for reports from all over the world. If you are interested in giving a reoprt in the conference, please email us info@gmexpo.net
We will provide the speakers the following VIP services during the conference:
The organizing committee provides speakers three days buffets durning the conference;
The organizing committee arrange for the round table dinner on the evening of April 17for all the speakers.
The speaker can also take one of their students or colleagues attend the conference for free.
Each seminar topic would limit to 25 minutes Q&A time is 5-10 mintues.The overall time no more than 40 mintues.
Submission Guideline:
1. All submissions need to be returned by April first, 2025 to be reviewed. Any submissions sent in after this date will not be considered.
2. Submit your proposal in the form found in the download center. For more than one proposal please copy and complete separate forms.
3. Please be aware that any copy you provide in the attached form must be accurate.
4. Please ensure that your proposed speaker(s) are available at all times on the 16-18
April, 2025 when you submit a conference paper on their behalf. If your paper is successful, the organizer will allocate you a time slot on one of these three days.
5. Please ensure that the cases of speech content have won the third party approval and permission. We will not be responsible for any dispute arising from the problem.
7. After you have submitted your presentation we will send an email confirming that we have received your submission to the daily contact email address provided before April1st,2025. If you have any queries or would like further information regarding the seminar program please contact us.
8.Sincerely thank you for your active participation and response, we will consider very carefully and screening for all the topic, and hope you will continue to support BIOEXPO-CHINA events.
如阁下有兴趣在BIOEXPO-CHINA 2025 国际峰会上做报告,请联系我们,联系电话 0086-13817254690
或者 发邮件至 info@gmexpo.net 索取申请表。
If you are interested to give a speech in BIOEXPO-CHINA 2025, please send email to info@gmexpo.net asking for the application form